Hero of the People

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Hero of the People

Achievement cards pointGemIcon epic 128.png
Nom (en) : Hero of the People
Description (en) : A true veteran, you dispatch your foes with ease. You command respect and awe from ally and ennemy alike for your skill in combat.
Commentaire (en) : Kill so many players
Points : 25

Hero of the People, Achievement de type PvP.

Liste des missions répertoriées pour l'accomplissement Hero of the People

Mission Description
Defeat 200 players in PvP To find a PvP Arena, check the PvP box on the map and look for red claims. You can also find the recipe for a Game Table and make your own arena.

Liste des récompenses répertoriées pour l'accomplissement Hero of the People

Nom Catégorie Niveau
Critical Strike Icon statistic criticalstrike 256.png Attribute
Title: Hero of the People [[(Category)|]]