You Can Build

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You Can Build

Achievement cards pointGemIcon starter 128.png
Nom (en) : You Can Build
Description (en) : The Icon brush add 256.png Add Tool (Outil ajouter) allows you to place voxels in the world. It can be used on your claim or other's claims as long aas you have edit permission. Unlike other building tools, it can also be used outside of claims to create temporary structures.
Points : 10

You Can Build, Achievement de type Building.

Vous pouvez construire

Liste des missions répertoriées pour l'accomplissement You Can Build

Mission Description
Place 100 voxels With the Icon brush add 256.png Add Tool (Outil ajouter) equipped, [Left-Click] to place 100 voxels in your claim.
  • The Add Tool can place voxels outside your claim, but for now, place them in your claim.
  • Dirt, Sand, Stone Ice and Snow are free to use so they are good materials to start with.
  • If you use other materials you may need to dig and mine to collect enough to place 100 voxels.
  • Select the material you want to use by clicking on it (to the left of the hotbar).
  • Change the size of the Add Tool by scrolling the mousewheel up or down.
Equip the Add Tool Drag the Icon brush add 256.png Add Tool (Outil ajouter) from your [I]nventory to your hotbar.

To equip :

  • Press the hotbar shortcut or
  • [Left-Click] the Add Tool in your hotbar

Liste des récompenses répertoriées pour l'accomplissement You Can Build

Nom Catégorie Niveau
Delete Tool Outil supprimerIcon brush delete 256.png Item ( Building Tool )